Thursday, 23 April 2020

Cone Jumps (Obstacle Activity)

Today I was learning about how different objects could be used to make an obstacle course.
I enjoyed making the course because i could test my creativity.
I found it challenging to find what objects i could use because there weren't many things to find in my garage.
My digital learning object shows that i can make a obstacle course that i can complete.
Next time I would change the difficulty of the cone jumps because it wasn't that hard to complete.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Minecraft War Trench

My Minecraft trench was made with 
Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Wood, Zombie (Soldier) and Stone.
It took about 5 minutes to make.
Hope you enjoy my creation

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Anzac Day Art

My ANZAC Day drawing.

I used my new pencils in my case to create this Anzac Day Art!

Friday, 17 April 2020

Risen Lord Poem

An acrostic is a poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word, message or phrase.

Risen Lord
Risen Lord
In love for us
Sharing his Son with the world
Everlasting life
Never ending life

Lead us Lord
On your pathway
Redeemer King
Do whatever Jesus tells you… He is Risen!

My Bubble
Me and Mr Tilley
Yoko our cat

Being together
United for everyone
Best of friends
Busy …. Reading books
Laughing and learning each day
Everyday until the bubble is burst!

WALHT add detail
Success Criteria
Self Assessment
Use adjectives to describe

Use powerful verbs

Use adverbs (ly words)

Risen Lord

It's Easter day! A very fun way to celebrate Jesus’ rise.
We shall believe, so we will stay with him up in the skies.

Kids playing! Always, praying. Oh king of kings, what glory you bring.