Monday, 29 June 2020



Silently, waiting on the shining water like gleaming stars were two dark figures sitting on an old crooked boat. Achoo! Old man Joe’s teeth flew to the edge of the boat as Old Ronald burst with laughter on his back. The boat shook again and again. Joe reached for his teeth. But to his surprise, the teeth had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Frustrated, he turned back to his rigid fishing rod, staring at the splashing fish bellow. Old Ronald soon realised how upset his friend was feeling, thinking for a solution. So he reeled in a mucky snapper and plucked out his teeth, sticking them into the snapper’s mouth. Old Ronald chuckled as he turned it to Joe’s droopy face. Old man Joe pulled out the scaly teeth out of the fish's mouth and stuck them into his, realising, it didn’t fit in his mouth. Joe laid them back into the fish’s mouth as Ronald made his face of confusion. Old man Joe knew he wouldn’t get his teeth back. But he knew he needed payback.

Cuz Missing Person Poster

Cuz Te Reo Translations

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Survival In The Bush

Today I was learning about stuff that would help trampers if they were lost in a forest.

I enjoyed making this google drawing because i got to be creative with it.

I found it challenging to think about what stuff would help them in hard times because there are lots of things that can help them if they were lost.

My digital learning object shows that i can create a drawing that shows what trampers could use to survive.

Next time I would change the background because it looks the same as the plus on the medkit.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Transubstantiation - My Definition

Transubstantiation are the bread and wine / the body of christ.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Friday, 5 June 2020

Flexi Science

Today I was learning about Flexi science

I enjoyed testing out the different things in the science box because it was interesting to learn about.

My digital learning object shows that i can do science with instructions without trouble

Thursday, 4 June 2020

The Butterfly Effect

Today I was learning about "The Butterfly Effect" by Stephanie Matuku

I enjoyed reading the book because i got to put in information about it later.

I found it challenging to remember parts in the story because it was a pretty long story.

My digital learning object shows that i can put in information about a book i read.

Next time I would change were the title was put in the slide because it looks too small to be seen

Beach Cinquain Poem


Gleaming, mellow,
Constructing, diving, Glazing
Toying in the sand

Autumn Cinquain Poem


Multicolored, crinkled,
Scrunching, descending, tossing,
Stacking the leaves up

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Cuz Facts

Today I was learning about Cuz a book by Liz Van Der Laarse.
I enjoyed answering the questions about the character in this book.
My digital learning object shows that i can remember information in books.