Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Eureka Triangle Gummy Challenge

Today I was in a group with Gurpuneet and we both made triangle structures with sticks and lollies joining them both together at the end.

We learned that triangles are strong shapes unlike squares because the shape is stiff and has a strong base.

My group got bibles to put on top of the triangle structures to test how strong it can be.

It didn't hold well because it was very wobbly and at an angle. Next time i would change how big and spaced out the sticks where because if they are too spaced out then it could not hold well because if it is too spaced out then all of the sticks can fall on an angle because the bible on top will push the sticks in different directions, causing it to fall.

The winning group managed to get 4 bibles on top without it falling in 10 seconds. Some nearly won but lost by just a couple seconds.