Thursday, 8 July 2021

Blast Off Rube Goldberg Reflection 2021

Blast Off Rube Goldberg Reflection 2021

What could help your group work better together next time? I think I could have helped more with my teammates by being there more because most of the times they were working on them I was not at school.

Is there any step in the process where you were getting stuck? There was a time in the process were me and Harfateh were stuck and when we tried to place the dominos it kept on falling over and trying to replace them took up a lot of time.

What worked well in your collaboration? One of the things that worked well for our group was sometimes our ideas and how focused we were but we didn't get much done only because we didn't know how to make our ideas to work.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Blast Off Catapults

For the last couple of weeks me and my group have been working on our catapult designs. We started with a lot of struggle because no one was really focusing on our work. The next day Chase wasn't at our group and we actually got a lot done and were really focused. That day we had finished all three starting catapults designed by the teachers with Chase missing from the group. 

The next couple of lessons we started to develop our final catapult. We got to designing and planning it but the end result turned out more like a slingshot than a catapult. We worked on a poster if we were to sell it and made a slogan "See the world with Catapult!" I hope our group can improve with focusing on our lessons and come up with better designs that could actually make it in the testing.

Our catapult design:

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Eureka Triangle Gummy Challenge

Today I was in a group with Gurpuneet and we both made triangle structures with sticks and lollies joining them both together at the end.

We learned that triangles are strong shapes unlike squares because the shape is stiff and has a strong base.

My group got bibles to put on top of the triangle structures to test how strong it can be.

It didn't hold well because it was very wobbly and at an angle. Next time i would change how big and spaced out the sticks where because if they are too spaced out then it could not hold well because if it is too spaced out then all of the sticks can fall on an angle because the bible on top will push the sticks in different directions, causing it to fall.

The winning group managed to get 4 bibles on top without it falling in 10 seconds. Some nearly won but lost by just a couple seconds.

Friday, 27 November 2020

The Turanga Festival


Today I created a WeVideo about the turanga festival. I enjoyed editing this because i use WeVideo everyday at home. My digital learning object shows that i can do the haka and create a quality blog post. Next time I would change the font because its quite hard to read.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Guy Fawkes Day Writing

Today I was learning about Guy Fawkes Day.

I enjoyed learning about Guy Fawkes because i learned a new event we can celebrate.

My digital learning object shows that i can write a story about Guy Fawkes Day.

Next time I would change the writing to start with onomatopeya because it doesn't sound too interesting.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Moon Masque (Colouring Art)

Today I was learning about colouring art.

I enjoyed trying to recreate the art because i got to choose my own color schemes.

I found it challenging to pick an art template because there are alot to choose from and they all have different art styles.

My digital learning object shows that i can make a quality blog post and recreate pieces of famous art.

Next time I would change my art to have more colours because it doesn't look to interesting unlike the original.

My One:          Moon Masque By Lois Maiou Jones:

To change the art's colors we got the outlines and filled them with lots of colors to make it different from the original. 
Click here to recreate your own art.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Rocks and Minerals

Today I was learning about Rocks and Minerals.

I enjoyed researching mostly about the gems because they have lots of meanings and facts.

I found it challenging to find some facts because i didn't want them to be on the same topic.

My digital learning object shows that i can find 10 facts about rocks and minerals and create a quality blog post.

Next time I would change the facts to be focused more on the actual rocks side because the book i read was more about rocks and how people use them.