Friday, 27 November 2020

The Turanga Festival


Today I created a WeVideo about the turanga festival. I enjoyed editing this because i use WeVideo everyday at home. My digital learning object shows that i can do the haka and create a quality blog post. Next time I would change the font because its quite hard to read.


  1. Kia ora. I am Aedan from St Mary’s School.
    I really like your video on everybody doing the haka.
    I learnt that you can use we-video to create videos and slideshows.
    Maybe you could change the font that you used because the highlighted black background of your writing blocks out some of the pictures.
    Please re-visit my blog here at

    Mā te wā

  2. Thank you for replying to my blog, and yes i do think i should change the font to a bolder font and remove the highlight.


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