Thursday, 12 December 2019

Site Safety

Today I was learning how to be site safety when sharing photos and images. I enjoyed decorating my slides and coloring different objects. I found it challenging to design the slides in time. My digital learning object shows that i can make my slides in time. Next time I would change the background of my slides.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

WALHT - learning to code with binary

Can you solve the code i wrote on my blog?
Can you read binary.
You up for the challenge? Great!
Try and solve the code.


Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Don't fall for fake (Animation)

What would you do if there was a scammer? I would not respond and ignore all scams.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Dont fall for the fake

Today I was learning how to stop scammers to phish up our personal stuff.

I enjoyed making the slides.

I found it challenging to come up ideas for the scams.

My digital learning object shows that i can learn lots of things.

Next time I would change the backgrounds.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Thea and the Think-It-Arium

Today I was learning how to read a book and record it on google drawings.

I enjoyed backing the custom background and added text into the callouts.

I found it challenging to read the book since it was long and it would take some time.

My digital learning object shows that i can make custom backgrounds and make gradient colors.

Next time I would change the areas font of some of the text in the callouts.

Friday, 1 November 2019

The mystery of science

Today I was trying to figure out the mystery of science.

I enjoyed playing around with the different things.

I found it challenging to explain how the things worked.

My digital learning object shows that i can predict how to thought it worked.

Next time I would change the way i explained the things.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Maths Quiz

Today I was learning how to connect slides.
I enjoyed making my math quiz.
I found it challenging to come up with the questions.
My digital learning object shows that I can link objects.
Next time I would change the color of some backgrounds.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Small Synonym

Original: The ball was very small

Other: The ball was very tiny

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Seeking Help

Today I was learning how to seek help online and take screenshots.

I enjoyed making the custom backround.

I found it challenging to add the arrows in

My digital learning object shows that i can add shapes, do drop shadow and use word art.

Next time I would change the font of the title.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Calendar Bug Art

                                      Calendar Art

Today I was learning how to make a zoomed in picture with pastel and paint.

I enjoyed drawing the outline with the black pastel.

I found it challenging to paint the back round with spunge and paint.

My digital learning object shows that i can paint and use pastel for art.

Next time I would change the location of were the cricket / grasshopper is.

Thursday, 12 September 2019


Today I was learning about Netiquette / etiquette.
I enjoyed using word art for the title and the information.
I found it challenging to take the right picture in the painting box.
My digital learning object shows that i can use the gradient colors for the title.
Next time I would change the word art information to text boxes.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Moari learning

My class was learning how to translate english words into moari

Thursday, 5 September 2019

The Power Of Words

Today I was learning how to use the power of words and what stop means.

I enjoyed making the slides and making the stick figures with shapes.

I found it challenging to memorise the meaning of S.T.O.P.

My digital learning object shows that i can add shapes, change the fonts and use gradeint back rounds.

Next time I would change the font of some of the words.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Who Eats Who?

We made a collaborative piece of artwork. ( Needs 3 - 5 People ) 
The apple is the producer. The pig is the Consumer which eats the apple.
The Human is the Apex consumer which eats the pig.
Add caption

Monday, 26 August 2019

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Matariki Animation

Today I was learning how to make an animation using Brush Ninja.
I enjoyed making my Matariki animation.
I found it challenging to not make a mistake when making it.
My digital learning object shows that i can make my own animation.
Next time I would change the places the stars were put.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Backround Photo

Today I was learning how to change the backround of my slide.
I enjoyed adding png pictures in the slide and adding myself in it.
I found it challenging to take a photo with my buddy.
My digital learning object shows that im drawing in a street.
Next time I would change place were my face is looking.

Monday, 29 July 2019


This is my pattern.
Do you know what will go next?

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Food Chains

The video was about the food chain. my class was learning about it.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019


Hi, im Lance and i go to Saint Mary's school. As well as my little brother Jethro.
My eldest sibling schools just across the road from St Marys and works at Captain Morgan's.
I have a family of 7.
Of course, i have a mum and a dad and have 5 siblings which is my eldest sister, my younger brother
the other siblings which i still consider siblings are my pet guinea pig and my little black puppy.
I love to make small animations or sketch small drawings into my notebook at school.
I don't really do sports but the sports im most interested in is soccer. I might play it in the future but i'm not sure.
I'm really excited for the Rotorua camp coming up this year.
I promise it will be fun.

Saturday, 30 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.