Wednesday, 12 June 2019


Hi, im Lance and i go to Saint Mary's school. As well as my little brother Jethro.
My eldest sibling schools just across the road from St Marys and works at Captain Morgan's.
I have a family of 7.
Of course, i have a mum and a dad and have 5 siblings which is my eldest sister, my younger brother
the other siblings which i still consider siblings are my pet guinea pig and my little black puppy.
I love to make small animations or sketch small drawings into my notebook at school.
I don't really do sports but the sports im most interested in is soccer. I might play it in the future but i'm not sure.
I'm really excited for the Rotorua camp coming up this year.
I promise it will be fun.


  1. hey lance! Im ryleigh from Papakura Central school!

    Positive: The lighting on your photo is on point!

    Thoutgtful: I know how you love Maths and reading. I like those as well!

    Helpful: Maybe you can put your favourite game and your favourite person!

    Go see my blog at

  2. hi my name is moa I like maths and reading to
    I like fornite and I like to play netballl to and
    touch.go vist my blog.


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