Friday, 24 July 2020

Faith Value Challenge

Today I was learning about Faith

I enjoyed decorating the poster because i got to make whatever my imagination could do.

I found it challenging to find bible quotes because there are a lot out there.

My digital learning object shows that i can make a Poster resembling a school value.

Next time I would change the layout of where the things were because they are a bit hard to see.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Cyclone Bola Book Cover Design

Today I was learning about how to create my own unique book cover.

I enjoyed creating it because i got to be creative with my design.

I found it challenging to think of the layout because i had to make it different from the original/

My digital learning object shows that i can let my imagination be the best it can be.

Next time I would change the background because it looks a bit dark.

Analyse and Synthesis

Today I was learning about Analysing and Synthesising I enjoyed reading the story because there was a lot of interesting information in the book. My digital learning object shows that i can answer questions from the story i read. Next time I would change the background because it looks bland

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Why are bees important to our planet?

Why are bees important to our Planet?

Why are bees so important to Earth? And why are they dying? Essentially, bees are Earth's number one pollinators. They work hard every single day to make their sweet delectable honey just to be taken from them to be eaten by us.

Furthermore, Bees are important to us because they pollinate all the time. Worker honey bees make 1/12 teaspoon of honey and normal bees make 6144 teaspoons of it.

In the year twenty nineteen, there were two trillion bees and over a year later, they have dropped down to the population of two billion!

People conclude that they are dying because of global warming, habitat destroyal, parasites, and many more disasters that could have caused this big population drop. Bees could be going extinct in 13 years. That's in the year 2033. If you're ten, you’d be 23!

You might think that you can’t save bees because you’re allergic to them and can’t touch them. In fact, there are many ways to save bees from extinction without touching them. You can make a bee garden, or do something that doesn’t need much work like, growing a tree or some flowers.

It’s really that simple! Bees are going extinct from even diseases that come from fungi, bacteria and one disease that makes bees' wings be damaged. So watch out for what location you're keeping your bees.

Lastly, Without bees, apples, pears, melons, nashi fruit and much more would vanish from super markets and people wouldn’t have much to eat. So you must help the bee population rise. Many people are allergic to bees and can get into serious conditions. But bees are just trying to protect them and their family from us.

To wrap it all up, bees are one of the best insects on the planet that helps humans make crops grow. We should all strive to do our best to keep bees alive and give them the best home we can. You must help the bee population emerge from extinction and not to be an extinct species forever on earth.

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.


Active Reflection: 

My Reflection

What have I done well?

I have used lots of facts and opinions in my writing.

Next step:

I am going to get better at adding more rhetorical questions into my writing.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

In The Beginning Interesting Inferences

Today I was learning about interesting inferences about the story 'In The Beginning.'
I found it challenging to put in the sentences because they were kind of hard to understand.
Next time I would change the background because it looks plain.

Matariki Breakfast Writing

Matariki Breakfast

Savory and sweet, a giant Matariki feast. Chips and pancakes, Fruit mix and dips. "Ladies first." Miss Hickling announced. "But it's Baxter's birthday, he's a boy!" Gurpuneet groaned. I stared at the end of the long line as the girls disappeared into their desks one by one. "Boy's, you can get your food now." Miss hickling said. "Finally!" Declan grumbled as he went into line. Big mass of chatter filled the room as i took a seat with a tissue obstructed with different types of food. "I'm obsessed with this muffin." Kali uttered with his mouth stuffed with bread. The parents came in completing and sometimes failing my classmates Matariki quizzes but still enjoying their time in the school morning.