Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Chinese Language Week

Today I was learning about Chinese language week.

I enjoyed learning different Mandarin words because i could learn to speak that language just in case i wanted to go to china.

I found it challenging to learn so many words and sentences because i can't remember the words since the last chinese language week.

My digital learning object shows that i can create a quality blog post and share my information with others to hopefully incourage you to learn this language from a country that i would like to go to.

Next time I would change the sentences i picked to be longer and harder because i wanted it to be a real challenge to me, and my viewers.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Rugby photo Collage

Today, our class went out with Turanga health. They let us do fun activities like, capture the flag (The rugby balls) and touch rugby. We learned many striking skills to help us in our far future. We learned how to run, catch and pass a ball, and even do great teamwork skills

Turanga health made us pass the ball to the person next to us and remember the two people next to you. After some time, we had to run around and split up, still passing the ball to the person that was next to you.

At spare time normaly after church, we would play some of those fun activities to boost our durability. We played capture the flag, another game not with them named "It tag" and sometimes the passing game.

Friday, 18 September 2020

What is CST?

Today I was learning about Catholic Social Teachings. Also known as CST.

I enjoyed creating the slides because i got to be creative with it

I found it challenging to make the presentation because i mostly everything out of shapes and polyline.

My digital learning object shows that i can explain what CST is using digital online learning.

Next time I would change the background lighter because it was kind of hard to see.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Room 2 Sacraments Rap

Today I was learning about the sacraments of initiation.

I enjoyed editing the video because i got to add effects and be creative with the clips.

I found it challenging to choose which clips to use because i only wanted to pick 3 clips.

My digital learning object shows that i can edit, export, and make a quality blog post.

Next time I would change the volume of the music because it sounds a little bit distracting.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

What Does it Mean to Agree to Disagree?

 Agreeing to disagreeing is when someone is having an argument and you agree with someones disagree. For example, your friend disagrees that Avengers Endgame movie is 2 hours long. Agreeing to their disagree is agreeing with them.