Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Chinese Language Week

Today I was learning about Chinese language week.

I enjoyed learning different Mandarin words because i could learn to speak that language just in case i wanted to go to china.

I found it challenging to learn so many words and sentences because i can't remember the words since the last chinese language week.

My digital learning object shows that i can create a quality blog post and share my information with others to hopefully incourage you to learn this language from a country that i would like to go to.

Next time I would change the sentences i picked to be longer and harder because i wanted it to be a real challenge to me, and my viewers.


  1. Kia ora Lance. Wo de mingzi shi Cole from Room 25.
    I really liked you blog post about Chinese language, it taught me lots of new words that I didn't know before. Where did you get the translations for these words and sentences? You should check out my blog Here
    bLoG yA lAtEr!

    1. Ni Hao Cole. Xièxiè for visiting my blog.
      I got the translations from Google Translate and i checked your blog. It looks terrific. Huítóu jiàn, Lance.


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