Friday, 6 March 2020

Swimming Lessons (Story)

Today i was learning how to write a story better.
I really enjoyed writing this story.
Maybe next time i could change the adjectives i used.

Swimming Sports Recount

WALHT: identify features of a type of writing
Success Criteria  🌝 🌝 🌝
I can find proper nouns that name things
I can find interesting adjectives
I can find powerful verbs
I can find adverbs
I can find similes 

WALHT: use THE BEST adjectives.
Success Criteria  🌝 🌝 🌝
I can find examples of the senses
I can find ‘simple’ adjectives.
I can find interesting adjectives

 Swimming Lessons
Walking into the Enterprise swimming pools I could smell the cold water brimmed with chlorine. I hopped.

 My swimming partner Mason took a grip of the smooth swimming board as I placed my hands firmly onto mine.
I accelerated my delicate body as I splashed my arms and legs in and out of the teal water. Splash, splash, splash.
“Onto my second length” I whispered to myself.
Splash! I paddled my straight legs and arms like a wave. Passing through, Mason catched up paddling vigorously, slowing down and getting tired as I went ahead  trying to use the smallest of my stamina. “Now you and Mason need to hold your breath underwater” the swimming teacher explained. I dived down into the deep, cold water. I closed my eyes hoping I could last enough in the deep blues of the pools.

Poof! The water splashed into the air with bubbles bouncing back into the water. “I think I improved.” I said. “I think we both did” Mason replied as i pushed myself out of the cold water. 

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