Monday, 23 March 2020

Waitangi Day I Facts

Today i was learning about Waitangi Day.
I enjoyed filling in the blank spaces
Maybe next time i could change the font

Facts of Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi

1. In the 1790’s Pakeha came to hunt seals and whales.
2. On 28 October 1835, James Busby presented a document to 34 chiefs at Waitangi

3. A company in London made plans to buy lands in New Zealand to sell to
  settlers for a profit

4. To use the word sovereignty meant that the queen of England would have the    power to make and enforce NZ’s laws.

5. Missionaries from england and france followed to spread Christianity

6. Any maori person can make a claim to the tribunal

7. During a hearing, evidence is given by iwi members, lawyers and historians

8. For over five hundred years, Māori had Aotearoa to themselves

9. Before 1840 all the land and natural resources of Aotearoa belonged to Māori

10. From 1845 to 1872, Māori and the British fought a series of battles known as the NZ wars

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