Monday, 31 August 2020

Rats Information Report

Today I was learning about Rats. I enjoyed making the slides because i got to add facts to make it interesting. I found it challenging to make this because i made everything out of shapes. My digital learning object shows that i can make a report poster about an animal and mix gradients together to make it stand out Next time I would change the background because it looks bland.


  1. Kia ora Lance, this is a very appealing set of slides with some interesting facts. I had no idea there were that many rats in the world! How did you create the slide transitions? I don't know how to use them and would love to know. Keep up the incredible mahi. Ka pai, Miss Hickling.

    1. Ni hao Miss Hickling, thank you for commenting on my blog. You can create the transitions by clicking transitions on the slides. If the button doesn't appear its because your probably selecting something so make sure your not selecting anything. Ka pai, Lance.


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